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Основные публикации
- S.A.Ostanin, E.I.Salamatov and V.Yu.Trubitsin. Pressure and temperature effects on the Г, N and L-phonons in zirconium. High Pressure Research, 2000, v.17, p.385-391.
- S.A.Ostanin, V.Yu.Trubitsin. Calculation of the structure properties and P-T phase diagram of hafnium. High Pressure Research, 2000, v.17, p.369-374.
- S.A.Ostanin, V.Yu.Trubitsin, S.Yu.Savrasov, M.Alouani and H.Dreysse. Calculated Nb superconducting transition temperature under hydrostatic pressure. Comp.Mat.Science 17, 2000, 202-205.
- "Transformation of the electronic structure of Cu into Cu_2O in the adsorption of oxygen" V.P.Belash, I.N.Klimova, V.I.Kormilets and V.Yu.Trubitsin, Surface Reviev and Letters, v.6,nos.3&4 (1999) p. 383-388
- S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu. Trubitsin. Calculation of the P-T phase diagram of Zr in different approximations for the exchange-correlation energy. Phys.Rev.B, v.57, 13485 (1998).
- Ostanin S.A., Salamatov E.I., Trubitsin V.Yu. An anharmonicmodel of instability evolution near the bcc-hcp phase transition in Zr. Phys. Rev. B 57, 5002 (1998).
- S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu.Trubitsin "A simple model for calculating the P-T phase diagram of Ti", J.Phys.:Condens.Matter, v.9, L491,(1997)
- S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu.Trubitsin " Calculation of the Phase Diagram of Zr in a Simple Model", Phys.Stat.Sol(b), 201, R9 (1997)
- V.Yu.Trubitsin and V.P.Shirokovskii " Calculation of the electronic structure of antiferromagnetic chromium with a sinusoidal spin densyty wave by the method of Dirac function linear combination" in "Properties of complex inorganic solids (edition: A.Gonis, A.Meike and P.E.A.Turchi)"- Procceding of the First Intern. Allow Conference,1996, Athens,Grees - 1997, Plenum Press: New.York
- V.Yu.Trubitsin and V.P.Shirokovskii "Relativistic calculation of the electronic structure of antiferromagnetic chromium with a sinusoidal spin-density wave"; J.Phis.:Condens.Matter,8,N49,pp.10601-10608 (1996)
- N.A. Shilkova, V.P. Shirokovskii, and V.Yu. Trubitsin. Ab initio calculation of electron effective mass in crystals. Phys.stat.sol.(b), v.172, 627 (1992)
- M.M. Kirillova, V.Yu. Trubitsyn, A.B.Shaikin, and V.P. Shirikovskii. Optical absorpion and its changes due to deformation in molibdenum. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. v.93, 605-612 (August 1987)