Трубицын Виктор Юрьевич
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Основные публикации

  1. S.A.Ostanin, E.I.Salamatov and V.Yu.Trubitsin. Pressure and temperature effects on the Г, N and L-phonons in zirconium. High Pressure Research, 2000, v.17, p.385-391.
  2. S.A.Ostanin, V.Yu.Trubitsin. Calculation of the structure properties and P-T phase diagram of hafnium. High Pressure Research, 2000, v.17, p.369-374.
  3. S.A.Ostanin, V.Yu.Trubitsin, S.Yu.Savrasov, M.Alouani and H.Dreysse. Calculated Nb superconducting transition temperature under hydrostatic pressure. Comp.Mat.Science 17, 2000, 202-205.
  4. "Transformation of the electronic structure of Cu into Cu_2O in the adsorption of oxygen" V.P.Belash, I.N.Klimova, V.I.Kormilets and V.Yu.Trubitsin, Surface Reviev and Letters, v.6,nos.3&4 (1999) p. 383-388
  5. S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu. Trubitsin. Calculation of the P-T phase diagram of Zr in different approximations for the exchange-correlation energy. Phys.Rev.B, v.57, 13485 (1998).
  6. Ostanin S.A., Salamatov E.I., Trubitsin V.Yu. An anharmonicmodel of instability evolution near the bcc-hcp phase transition in Zr. Phys. Rev. B 57, 5002 (1998).
  7. S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu.Trubitsin "A simple model for calculating the P-T phase diagram of Ti", J.Phys.:Condens.Matter, v.9, L491,(1997)
  8. S.A.Ostanin and V.Yu.Trubitsin " Calculation of the Phase Diagram of Zr in a Simple Model", Phys.Stat.Sol(b), 201, R9 (1997)
  9. V.Yu.Trubitsin and V.P.Shirokovskii " Calculation of the electronic structure of antiferromagnetic chromium with a sinusoidal spin densyty wave by the method of Dirac function linear combination" in "Properties of complex inorganic solids (edition: A.Gonis, A.Meike and P.E.A.Turchi)"- Procceding of the First Intern. Allow Conference,1996, Athens,Grees - 1997, Plenum Press: New.York
  10. V.Yu.Trubitsin and V.P.Shirokovskii "Relativistic calculation of the electronic structure of antiferromagnetic chromium with a sinusoidal spin-density wave"; J.Phis.:Condens.Matter,8,N49,pp.10601-10608 (1996)
  11. N.A. Shilkova, V.P. Shirokovskii, and V.Yu. Trubitsin. Ab initio calculation of electron effective mass in crystals. Phys.stat.sol.(b), v.172, 627 (1992)
  12. M.M. Kirillova, V.Yu. Trubitsyn, A.B.Shaikin, and V.P. Shirikovskii. Optical absorpion and its changes due to deformation in molibdenum. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. v.93, 605-612 (August 1987)