Evgenii Ivanovich Salamatov
Article Index
Evgenii SalamatovDepartment of theoretical physics:
Leading Reaseacher, Doctor of Science, PhD (phys.chem);
Tel: +7(3412)216933;
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Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)

1977 - graduated from the Udmurtia State University, Physics department
1982 - theseses "Vibrational spectra of crystals with radiation-induced defects" in Physics department of Ural State University
1984 - up to now - working in the Physical-Technical Institute UrBr RAS
1998 - Doctor of sciences degree in Physical-Technical Institute UrBr RAS "The crystal properties due to the anharmonical modes"
Knowledge of English language. Hobby - literature.

Scientific interests: phonons in disordered systems, low-temperture properties of dielectrics, anharmonicity, dynamical stability of crystal phases